Success Stories

Finding the light in life
Elaine’s struggle with her weight has made life hard. People who can see past it—like U.S. Care’s professionals—know her as a bright, smiling sweetheart, one of the most generous people they’ve met. Unfortunately, this generosity has been taken advantage of, and Elaine’s depression has wrecked her efforts to get healthy time and time again. Thanks to U.S. Care, she now uses transportation resources to get to appointments. Her prescriptions are sorted out now and make sense, and her doctors can’t stop marveling at the improvements in her health. When she sees her U.S. Care professional, her already-bright smile lights up the whole room. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she says. “You’re like an angel sent from heaven.”

Learning skills to manage life
Bill is a 48-year-old schizophrenic whose mental state really got in the way of his family’s happiness. He was suicidal often enough to spend time in and out of hospitals. His wife and grown children, one of whom lives with them, were at their wits’ end. Finally, his wife reached out to U.S. Care, and now, Bill takes his medicine regularly, can better cope with disagreement and conflict, exercises, and even sits down to a nice dinner with his wife and son from time to time.

Dreams are not impossible
Mental illness had always made Susan’s dream of becoming a nurse seem impossibly out of reach. But U.S. Care took her under our wing and helped her navigate the intricacies of community college. Thanks to one of our caring professionals’ diligent efforts, now she has the financial aid she needs, has a disability professional who secures for her the educational accommodations she is legally entitled to, and is successfully enrolled in her second semester at NOVA!

Healing through helping others
Karen, a 36-year-old, schizophrenic, single mother of four, found herself at the brink of homelessness. She was missing appointments, failing to take her meds, and barred from seeing her children. With the help of U.S. Care, she is learning to organize her days and commit to meaningful obligations. She is now in a stable living situation and freely gives of her time to help the many physically handicapped people living in her building, whether it’s running errands, cooking, bathing, or helping them to get dressed. Needless to say, her own mental health is greatly improved!

From foster home to adoption
Rory had the misfortune of being placed in foster homes due to a history of abuse and neglect within his family. Due to his reactive attachment, he displayed aggressive and defiant behaviors which were an attempt to push his family and other adult relationships away before they could disappoint him or give up on him. It worked every time, leading Rory to a new placements that he could give up on first. With U.S. Care, Rory found a team that would not give up on him and provided him unconditional care and concern. As a team, we showed him that he was worth our patience and support. We helped him find positive outlets for his feelings and improve his relationships with adults. As Rory healed, his view of adults changed, helping him view them as a positive aspect of his life. Within two years of service from U.S. Care, Rory was adopted by a loving family.

Coping with bipolar disorder
Andrea has suffered from bipolar disorder and drug addiction for most of her adult life. Historically, when she was manic, she threw caution to the wind. When she was depressed, however, she would often end up using drugs as a way to cope with her stress, moods and thoughts. When introduced to Andrea, she was homeless, depressed and felt hopeless. With U.S. Care, Andrea received mental health skill building interventions weekly that allowed her to become capable of living independently. U.S. Care assisted with finding community resources and services that assisted Andrea with finding housing, manage her money, and assist with her mood stabilization and addictions. By her own admission, Andrea is now able to express her feelings and think of healthy alternatives to her problems. She feels hopeful and is able to live independently.

Building skills leads to independence
Larry had a history of homelessness and psychiatric hospitalizations when he came to U.S. Care. He had moved through 5 different homes in 12 months, and had also been admitted to acute psychiatric services. Larry had difficulty managing his emotions, daily living skills, communication and social skills. U.S. Care helped Larry find a permanent living arrangement (where he has lived for the last 12 months). He has learned to cope with his emotions, and identify ways to become healthy such as nutrition and exercise. Larry is now employed and thrives with structure and using the communication skills he has developed. Larry is now motivated and invested in his independence and values the care and concern that U.S. Care provides.

Achieving wellness with behavorial changes
A client who was linked with U.S. Care had tremendous issues managing her physical care. Her depression caused her to ignore critical follow-through, and as a result, her health deteriorated and trips to the emergency room were commonplace. U.S. Care professionals have worked with this client to overcome symptoms and to methodically address the physical concerns. U.S. Care staff helped this client in a variety of ways – by linking her to transportation resources, to helping her manage appointments and associated follow-through, by helping her learn easier ways to manage her prescriptions, and to adopt general lifestyle changes that would promote wellness. Her doctors have all remarked about the noticeable improvement in her health

Coping with ADHD
Chris suffered from ADHD and was unable to focus on tasks that he was given. Chris would become angry and aggressive when he was unable to perform these tasks. He would become aggressive at his parents or run away from them. His parents were at their wits' end and did not know what to do with him. With the help of U.S. Care, his parents developed a behavior management plan for Chris that provided positive reinforcement and consistency with parenting styles. U.S. Care assisted Chris in finding a psychiatrist to assist with his ADHD. With consistency, Chris was able to allow his joyful, inner self to appear. He no longer has rages and aggression and is doing well in school. His parents are amazed at the turnaround that has occurred.

Helping a family stay together
A U.S. Care client who suffers from major depression was struggling with symptom management such that his family situation was in grave jeopardy. Family strife was the definitive aspect of interactions with his wife and daughter, and numerous hospitalizations on account of suicidality were a major stressor to family harmony. U.S. Care professionals were linked with this client, and through extensive support and skill building, this client has committed to a path of healing. He is taking medicine regularly, learning improved coping skills, and finding harmony with his family that was previously absent. He has not been hospitalized for well over a year, and reports greatly improved relations with his wife and daughter.

On the verge of homelessness
U.S. Care has been instrumental in helping a client who struggled to maintain stable mental health. As a result of missed appointments, not taking medicine regularly, and lacking overall organization to properly manage daily affairs, this client was on the verge of homelessness. U.S. Care professionals helped this client make better choices and to organize the details of her personal life. By developing skills to organize and commit to meaningful obligations, this client has shown greatly improved stability, and the improved management of her mental health has resulted in a marked increase in quality of life.