Accepted Payment Methods
We currently accept the following payment methods and continue to add more. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Virginia Medicaid Insurers:
- Anthem HealthKeepers Plus
- Aetna Better Health of Virginia
- Molina Complete Care
- Sentara - Optima Health
- Optum - United Healthcare
- Virginia Medicaid (FFS)
Private Insurance:
- Anthem BlueCross BlueShield
- CareFirst
- United Healthcare
Children's Services Act (CSA) Regions:
- Fairfax-Falls Church
- Rappahannock
- All major credit cards
- Cash via bank ACH or wire transfer
*Checks are not accepted
General Questions
For general questions, please fill out the “Contact Us Today” information below or call us at 888-978-3801 and press 0.